
About – The Zen Universe

The website wants to bring in some knowledge that you need in order to move on with your Zen practice. It doesn’t want to be a substitute for the actual gyoji, but rather a help to those who would want to know more and to inform themselves on The Zen Universe.

You will find on all sorts of Zen topics, starting with knowledge about the practice and ending up with information on sutras, monasteries and Zen masters.

Who’s writing on TheZenUniverse?

For the time being there are only three people that are writing as much as their spare time allows them to.

In charge with the shodo, illustrations and monasteries sections, was ordained as Bodhisattva in 2013 at Hoboji temple, in the Eastern European Zen lineage. He received he’s name from Master Yvone Myoken Bec.

Editor at TheZenUniverse she has been involved in many Zen book translations along the years. She also grew in the same Eastern European Sangha, founded by Master Myoken who gave her the nun name, Renko.

Brazilian born he is currently living and working in Bucharest. Involved in different editorial projects he has decided to join our team too. He’s also a fervent lay practitioner that attended many Zen sesshins led by Master Myoken.

There are lots of things to say and write about Zen, but we’re just a couple of people to cover this wide spectrum of topics, reason why we’re looking for collaborators. So, no matter what Zen sect you’re part of and no matter which sangha you’re practicing with, if you want to be part of the team, drop us a line in the Contact section. Additionally, you can send a direct email to