Category: Resources
I shall show you how the Dhamma is similar to a raft, being for the purpose of crossing over, not for the purpose of grasping. ~ Buddha Sakyamuni Ohigan …
Etienne Mokusho Zeisler, the treasury of the Great Sangha of master Deshimaru, died on the night of the 7th to the 8th of June, 1990, at the age of 44. …
Case: Master Kyogen said, “It’s like a man up the tree, hanging from a branch by his mouth; his hands cannot grasp a branch, his feet won’t reach a …
When Hyakujo delivered a certain series of sermons, an old man always followed the monks to the main hall and listened to him. When the monks left the hall, …
It is that Buddha came into duality to teach us about non-duality. Of course, he wasn’t aware of his potential during the early stages of his life, and this …