A person who discovers the direction of his life in zazen, who vows and at the same time lives by …
*Original excerpts from the book Sit: Zen Teachings of Master Taisen Deshimaru. MANY ZEN SCHOOLS Originally there was one teaching, …
*Words by Sava Chankov (originally written on Quora) I spent the last year in a Zen temple in the Hungarian capital …
Excerpts from To you by Sawaki Kôdô Rôshi * Translated from Japanese by Jesse Haasch and Muhô. The complete book …
Excerpts from To you by Sawaki Kôdô Rôshi * Translated from Japanese by Jesse Haasch and Muhô. The complete book …
*kusen given by Master Zeisler in Enköping, Sweden, 15th, April 1987. During mondo, somebody asked: „You always say strong, strong, strong.” Strong …
*Excerpt from the book Opening the Hand of Thought by Kosho Uchiyama Satori and Zen seem to have such an …
- Masters Mondo Stories Zen
*by Norman Fischer (originally published at Buddhadharma Magazine – Spring 2014.) From the beginning, Norman Fischer never had much use for … *Excerpt from the book Opening the Hand of Thought by Kosho Uchiyama One day at Antaiji, I received a visit from …
As told by Taisen Deshimaru Roshi One day, my master Kodo Sawaki confided in me, “Why did zen impress me …