There are a plethora of things that one might do/see/experience/understand while attending a sesshin. However, I wanted to extract just … A person who discovers the direction of his life in zazen, who vows and at the same time lives by … *Original excerpts from the book Sit: Zen Teachings of Master Taisen Deshimaru. MANY ZEN SCHOOLS Originally there was one teaching, … *Words by Sava Chankov (originally written on Quora) I spent the last year in a Zen temple in the Hungarian capital … Excerpts from To you by Sawaki Kôdô Rôshi * Translated from Japanese by Jesse Haasch and Muhô. The complete book … Excerpts from To you by Sawaki Kôdô Rôshi * Translated from Japanese by Jesse Haasch and Muhô. The complete book … *kusen given by Master Zeisler in Enköping, Sweden, 15th, April 1987. During mondo, somebody asked: „You always say strong, strong, strong.” Strong … *Excerpt from the book Opening the Hand of Thought by Kosho Uchiyama Satori and Zen seem to have such an …
- Masters Mondo Stories Zen
*by Norman Fischer (originally published at Buddhadharma Magazine – Spring 2014.) From the beginning, Norman Fischer never had much use for … *Excerpt from the book Opening the Hand of Thought by Kosho Uchiyama One day at Antaiji, I received a visit from …
Sheringham is a small seaside town situated in the Norfolk County, Eastern UK. Along the years, the Sheringham Youth Hostel … Wabi-Sabi’s roots lie in Zen Buddhism, which was brought from China to Japan by Eisai, a twelfth-century monk. Zen stresses … Anyone who is familiar with Mahayana Buddhism, in general, and Soto Zen, in particular, is also familiar with the term …
- History Resources The Practice
Tibetan Buddhism, usually understood as including the Buddhism of Tibet, Mongolia, Bhutan and parts of China, India, and Russia, combines … Embarking on the Buddha Way, or in other words, starting Zen practice, is in many ways a journey of discovery. … There are many different ways of understanding mindfulness: as a personality trait, as a meditative state and practice from the … Directed by Master Myoken Bec – 5th and 6th March 2016 Zazen The Zazen practice is the Zen essence. Seated … Is been a long time since I first got at Hoboji, one of the main Zen temples in the Eastern … Description: A dramatic reconstruction of the life of the great Japanese monk Dogen, who lived in Japan in the 13th … Nichiren Buddhism is a Japanese Buddhist movement in the Mahayana tradition. Nichiren Buddhism differs from other schools of Buddhism in …